5 Home Services Marketing Strategies To Boost Revenue

Karl Finn

Karl has been working in the marketing industry for the past 10 years and has worked with some of the largest businesses in the world

Investing in your digital marketing strategy is essential for home service businesses. Nowadays, your online presence is often the first interaction potential customers have with your brand. Optimizing these channels—including social media, paid ads, directory listings, and search engines like Google—to attract and convert prospective customers is critical to your success. Especially as more and more consumers crave on-demand and online access to businesses, it’s crucial to have a robust digital strategy.

Here are five actionable strategies to enhance your digital marketing efforts:

  1. Optimize Your Website for Online Search

To ensure people find your business when they search for your services, you can either pay for visibility or optimize your website to rank naturally in search results.

Paid Search

Paid search involves paying users to see and click on your website links. Pay-per-click (PPC) and local service ads (LSA) are two primary types of paid search ads. PPC ads are text-based ads that appear on search engine results pages (SERPs). At the same time, LSAs are specifically designed for local service providers, showing your business at the top of SERPs and a click-to-call button.

Organic Search

Organic search refers to the free links that appear in search engine results when users type in a query. These links rank higher due to Search Engine Optimization (SEO) efforts. SEO involves optimizing your website’s content and structure so search engines can understand and rank it highly for relevant queries.

Achieving online visibility requires a mix of paid and organic strategies. While paid search offers quick results for a cost, organic methods like SEO and content marketing build long-term trust with consumers.

Optimizing your home service business’s website for organic search includes publishing content that addresses common questions or concerns of your target customers. For example, someone looking for emergency plumbing services might search for “emergency plumber in Boston, MA.” To rank for such queries, you could create a webpage detailing your emergency plumbing services in Boston and publish blog posts like “What to Do If You Have a Burst Water Pipe,” which links to your emergency services page.


In Action: If you want your business to appear at the top of the SERP for such a search, you should create a page about emergency plumbing services in Boston. Additionally, you might publish a blog post titled “What to Do If You Have a Burst Water Pipe” with step-by-step instructions for homeowners, including calling an emergency plumber like you. This post will link back to your emergency plumbing service page.

Addressing your customers’ needs and concerns on your website builds trust. It improves your search engine rankings, leading to free and valuable exposure.

  1. Diversify Your Online Advertising Channels

Your prospective customers are scattered across various online platforms. Some may be on Facebook, others on LinkedIn, and others rely on directories like Angi, Google, or Bing.

Online Marketing Channels

 Online marketing channels are platforms where businesses promote their products or services. These can be organic (free) or paid channels. Organic channels include social media posts, blog articles, and email newsletters. In contrast, paid channels include PPC ads, social media ads, and sponsored content.

To maximize your reach, having a presence across multiple touchpoints is essential. With 70% of consumers preferring various communication channels, diversifying your marketing efforts keeps you top-of-mind for potential customers, even if they don’t need your services immediately.

In Action: A pest control company might run Google ads during peak pest activity seasons, post pest-proofing tips, air TV ads on social media, and send email reminders about routine pest control services. By engaging customers across various channels, you increase the likelihood that they will remember your brand when they need your services.

Diversifying your channels ensures you are present wherever your potential customers spend their time. This multi-channel approach increases your visibility and the chances of attracting and retaining customers.

  1. Serve the Right Material to Convert Potential Customers into Loyal Clients

Capturing a potential customer’s attention is the first step; converting them into loyal clients requires providing detailed and convincing information about your services.

Service Descriptions and FAQs

Offering comprehensive service descriptions on your website helps potential customers understand what you offer. FAQs addressing common questions or concerns further enhance this understanding. Detailed descriptions and clear answers help build trust and reassure customers that you are the right choice.

Testimonials and Reviews: Showcasing testimonials and reviews from satisfied customers can significantly influence prospective clients. Positive feedback from previous clients serves as social proof, helping to build credibility and trust.

You aim to eliminate doubts or hesitations within the critical decision-making window. Research shows that 54% of consumers make decisions within four hours of initial contact. Therefore, providing robust and persuasive content is crucial.

In Action: Suppose you are a roofing company. Your website should include detailed descriptions of your roofing services, an FAQ section answering common questions about roofing repairs and installations, and testimonials from happy customers. This comprehensive approach informs potential clients, builds trust, and encourages them to choose your services.

Dedicate a significant portion of your content marketing efforts to developing and optimizing this type of content. This helps convert engaged users into loyal customers and encourages them to spread the word about their positive experiences with your business.

  1. Embrace New Technologies

While new technologies can seem daunting, they can simplify your operations if used correctly. AI technologies transform how consumers search for and interact with home service businesses online.

AI-Powered Tools: Consider integrating AI tools to streamline administrative tasks and boost productivity. AI-driven chat solutions and booking tools are among the most accessible technologies to incorporate into your website. These tools can handle basic inquiries and manage appointments, providing a seamless experience for your customers.

In Action: A roofing company could implement an AI-powered chat tool on its website. This tool, available 24/7, can guide prospective customers to book consultations, making capturing leads around the clock easier.

Incorporating AI allows you to provide instant responses to customer inquiries, enhancing their experience and boosting conversion rates. Additionally, AI assists in data analysis, facilitating informed decisions based on customer behavior and preferences. Adopting new technologies can give your business a competitive advantage and improve overall efficiency.

  1. Measure Your Marketing ROI

Tracking the success of your marketing efforts is crucial. The critical metric for assessing your home services marketing strategy is the return on investment (ROI). Your approach is practical if the Revenue generated from new customers exceeds your marketing costs. However, accurately measuring ROI can be challenging due to data being spread across various platforms.

Data Integration: Integrating digital tools into your operations can help consolidate data, making it easier to see what’s working and what isn’t. Using a singular dashboard to track metrics like cost per lead (CPL), click-through rates (CTR), and conversions can provide a clear picture of your marketing performance.

In Action: An HVAC company running a promotional campaign through Google Ads, Facebook Ads, organic social posts, and email marketing could track metrics like CPL and CTR. By consolidating this data into a single dashboard, the company can identify which channels drive the most bookings and adjust its strategy accordingly.

Connecting data from different channels helps you identify which marketing activities drive the most value for your business. This insight allows you to allocate resources more effectively and improve your marketing strategy.

Mastering Digital Marketing for Home Services

First impressions matter; today, your customer’s first impression of your business often happens online. It’s crucial to optimize your digital channels to present your company in the best light.

Do you need help figuring out where to start? Astrado Marketing Group offers digital marketing services tailored to home services professionals. Schedule a consultation with us today to discover how we can improve your online presence and increase your revenue. Our team of experts will collaborate with you to create a tailored marketing strategy that meets your business objectives. Whether you require assistance with SEO, PPC, social media marketing, or website optimization, we have the skills and experience to achieve your desired results.


Investing in digital marketing is vital for home service businesses looking to grow and thrive in today’s competitive market. By optimizing your website for search engines, diversifying your advertising channels, providing detailed and convincing content, embracing new technologies, and measuring your ROI, you can significantly boost your Revenue and build a solid online presence.

Astrado Marketing Group is here to support you every step of the way. Our team of digital marketing experts will help you navigate the complexities of online marketing and achieve tangible results. Don’t wait—contact us today to start your journey towards digital marketing success and see how we can help your home services business reach new heights.

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